
The scooter market in Paris goes electric

The Parisian market under the constraint of paid parking. Analysis.


Temps de lecture : < 1 minute
  1. Over the first eight months of the year, sales of new scooters (-50cc and +50cc) drop sharply, at 6% compared to last year. This sector is still impacted by the consequences of the health crisis and factory closures in Asian countries, the main producers of two-wheelers.

  2. This trend is even more marked in Paris, with -12% compared to last year. The scooter has long been the preferred ways of getting around the capital quickly and parking anywhere. However, since September 1, 2022, all motorized two-wheelers in Paris, including scooters, have to pay for parking. Only electric two-wheelers escape the parking tax.

  3. Did Parisians anticipate the new regulations ?

    As a result, the -12% drop hides a very different reality: with +33% for electric scooter sales.

  4. Which electric scooters do Parisians prefer?

Top 10 new electric scooters in Paris
More information on the global vehicle market

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